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  • Writer's pictureMolly Green


“This is your year and you can make it whatever you want— so make it one worth remembering.”

Jessica Clute, class of 2021, has attended St. Margaret’s since she was 5 years old.  On campus, she is a member of Admissions Ambassadors and TIDE (Tartans for Inclusion, Diversity and Equity).  She also is a member of the SMES Varsity volleyball team, and plays volleyball outside of school as well.  Jessica loves Spirit Week, watching the GDFL, and dancing in the locker room before volleyball games with her team.  She dislikes formal days.

One of Jessica’s favorite things to participate in is cheering on the football team with The Kitchen. “There is nothing like a home game on a Friday night,” she says.  Jessica loves how the football games in the fall give the whole school the chance to come together dressed in silly outfits and full of school spirit.  She says that cheering on her peers is “one of the best parts of the St. Margaret’s experience,” and that “the energy from the crowd and the cheers from The Kitchen have been some of my favorite high school memories.”  

Similar to football games, Jessica loves SMES pep rallies that are full of school spirit. “One of my favorite high school memories has to be the pep rally during my junior year,” she says. “It’s tradition that the volleyball team sits together, so I got to watch my underclassmen friends experience this event for the first time.”  She recounts how the senior football players performed an iconic flash mob dance to The Backstreet Boys’ song, “I Want It That Way.”  Jessica says that “ASB killed it that year,” and that it was “truly one of the best moments of high school.”

Looking forward to senior year, Jessica says that there are two senior traditions that she is excited for.  The first is the senior tradition of decorating the quad during Spirit Week.  “It is our chance to celebrate our last Spirit Week together,” she says, and notes that it “makes everyone else in the school a little jealous” because only seniors are allowed in the quad for the whole week. The second tradition that Jessica loves is the Candlelighting Ceremony, essentially the passing of leadership from the senior class in their last few days on campus.  “It’s a beautiful way to symbolize that our time at SMES is coming to a close and that we are passing on our leadership and knowledge to the juniors,” says Jessica. “It’s an emotional ceremony that has always held a special place in my heart.”

In the spirit of passing on knowledge, Jessica has a few pieces of advice for rising seniors, as well as high schoolers in general. To the seniors, she says, “appreciate everything, be it driving with your friends after school to get food, dancing in the quad when ASB plays music, or walking around like you own the school because you are the oldest.” Jessica says that everyone talks about second semester of senior year flying by, but says that she “can’t believe we have already been in school almost a month.” She says to cherish every event, “from Clubs Fair to Lunch on the Lawn to Snow Glow.” To rising seniors, “this is your year and you can make it whatever you want— so make it one worth remembering.”

And to every member of the school, Jessica says to “get involved with something, whether it’s sports, the arts, or student leadership.” She stresses that getting involved is the best way to make friends and unforgettable memories, and says to make friends with everyone you can. “Don’t be scared of upperclassmen, just be kind and be yourself… the more people you are friendly with, the better your experience will be.”  High school is all about making friends, and Jessica says “I know I found my best friends in high school, who I know I will stay in contact with even when I am a Tartan alumni.”  

Above all, Jessica wants to share the sentiment that high school goes by fast, and that it’s so important to pay attention to and cherish every moment.  “Don’t let the high school experience pass you by.  Four years may seem like a long time but it really isn’t.”

Responses have been edited for length and clarity.

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Gabriela Sanchez
Gabriela Sanchez
Sep 15, 2020

Reading this was so cool! Also whoever drew the doodles over the picture, great job!

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